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DTN Early Word Grains         02/18 05:47
   Corn Futures Slightly Higher, Soy and Wheat Down as Trade Resumes After
Monday Pause

   March corn is up 2 cents and March soybeans are down 3/4 cents. March KC
wheat is down 4 1/2 cents, March Chicago wheat is down 2 3/4 cents, and March
Minneapolis wheat is down 2 3/4 cents.

Rhett Montgomery
DTN Lead Analyst

   EARLY MORNING GLOBEX NET CHANGES: March corn is up 2 cents and March
soybeans are down 3/4 cents. March KC wheat is down 4 1/2 cents, March Chicago
wheat is down 2 3/4 cents, and March Minneapolis wheat is down 2 3/4 cents.

   CME GLOBEX RECAP: Grain markets are mixed as trade picks up following
Monday's pause in observance of President's Day, with corn futures having
recovered from short losses overnight to trade a couple cents higher while
soybean and wheat markets are down, although both are off their nightly lows as
of Tuesday morning. Tuesday's news slate will include U.S. grain export
inspections at 10 a.m. CST, otherwise grain markets are likely to pick up where
last week left off with a weather focused trade on both South America but also
on the frigid cold weather throughout the U.S. Midwest.

   OUTSIDE MARKETS: Previous closes Friday showed the Dow Jones Industrial
Average down 165.35 points to 44,546.08 and the S&P 500 Index down 0.44 at
6,114.63. The 10-Year Treasury yield ended at 4.47%. Early Tuesday, March Dow
Jones futures are up 59 points. European markets are mixed and quiet with the
spot futures of the London FTSE 100 trading up 0.10%, spot futures of Germany's
DAX trading down 0.14% and spot futures of France's CAC Index trading up 0.12%.
Asian markets are mixed as well with Japan's Nikkei 225 index up 0.25% and
China's Shanghai Composite Index down 0.93%.
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